Monday, December 12, 2011

30 in 30

For this first month of being 30 I'd like to try 30 new things in the next 30 days... we'll see how it goes.

It does not necessarily need to be something new to try, but can just be something new to my 30's. I really just want to make note of experiences I have within this 30 day time frame. And in each thing I will also seek out a lesson to be learned, no matter what it is.

I began writing  this post a week ago, but today, my friend Jennifer posted as her status,
"In every situation in life... I ask myself 'What can I learn from this?'" 
Not merely a coincidence, but I believe many of us are in a similar phase in our lives and we are asking this question of ourselves much more often. When I was in my twenties I think I asked this a lot less, which resulted in me being a lot less present.

So here I am. I've been 30 for 1 week now and here are my "things" thus far.

Dec. 5-12

Thing 1: Train ride in California. 
I am a fan of trains. I believe the first time I'd ever ridden on one was when I was about 3years old during a trip to the East Coast. I remember, vaguely, riding and looking out the window with my Tio Carlos, at the green trees zipping by. I've been on many more trains since then, across the country and in Europe, but I had been eager to ride one in California.

I love train stations, the sound of the train along the tracks, the way it sounds when it pulls into the station... I love the romance of trains... the images I've seen in movies of lovers separating or being reunited.... I was not disappointed with my first train ride in California.

My husband surprised me on my actual birthday. I had no idea where he was taking me. When I suddenly realized where we were headed I immediately became 5 years old again, screaming and giggling about how excited I was. It was a short ride (about 45 min) to San Juan Capistrano. It's a lovely mission town with great restaurants and historical sites. But honestly, it could have been 1 stop to Santa Ana, and I would have been just as thrilled.

Lesson learned: Continuing a sense of wonder and excitement is crucial 
and will keep your heart young.

Thing 2: Polenta
Not the most thrilling experience of my life, but I saw it on the menu and really wanted to try it... With a consistency of something between tofu and pound cake and flavor of... something like yucca or bland cornbread. But I ate it, with lots of marinara sauce, topped with a Salciccia (sausage). Not sure if I'll be eating polenta again, any time soon, but I'm glad I tried it.

Lesson learned: It's worth it to try new things, regardless of the outcome, 
a discovery will be made.

Thing 3: First Wednesdays at the Community in Anaheim
I absolutely adored my first "official" visit to Community. It's a small shopping plaza run by independent artists and crafters. The place was packed when I arrived. A live band played while shoppers walked through open galleries and shops, getting a head start on their Christmas shopping. The atmosphere was very hipsteresque and shop owners were eager to meet their guests, share stories, and continue the effort at building a diverse and creative community.

One of the shop owners (of the Nest) is a friend of mine from high school. She has been immensely successful with her own artistic and entrepreneurial endeavors and I couldn't be more proud...
which leads me to my 4th new thing....

Lesson learned: A night alone and on the town is needed every once in a while. 
Also, don't do so with empty pockets.

Thing 4: Bought my first Flask
Not sure why, but I have always wanted a flask. I'm not a drunk and I normally don't even drink hard liquor. Maybe it was due to my early fascination with Marilyn and the way she made it look so cool in Some Like it Hot... not sure. Before last week, I could never get myself to actually purchase one, until I saw the ones at the Nest. From the variety of colorful prints, to the unique and relevant designs, these flasks are simply awesome.

It was hard to choose, but I finally decided on the the green flask with a hot air balloon. It reads: Wanderlust. With a constant urge and desire to travel the world, this flask was calling my name. And with that I ran home and filled her up!
(Not really. She sits empty and waiting on my book shelf. Soon.)

Lesson learned: I am not as sexy as Marilyn, but it's fun to try.

Thing 5: Car Accident
I don't have much to say on the subject. It happens. I'm sad, irritated, and a bit stressed at the added expense during this holiday season, and really they [accidents] are just always real butt-busters when you're involved in one. None the less, all involved are ok and I am sure there are lessons to be learned all around. This is the 1st, and hoping the only, accident I will be in during my 30's (and beyond).

Lesson learned: Poop happens... But, be grateful, don't rush through life, forgive easily.

Thing 6: First Christmas Photo Shoot
laughing at a sprinkler incident
I have known Sheryl for about 25 years. We met in Kindergarten and she now has a 13 year old and a 3 1/2 year old. She is dedicated to her kids and works very hard to support them. Even going back to school to study graphic media she has set new goals for her life and is being a great example
to her two children.

I offered to take her and the kids out for a Christmas photo shoot. We spent about 2 1/2 hours in both Anaheim and Downtown Fullerton taking some fun candid/posed shots of her and the kids.

Lesson learned: It's the real and raw moments that matter most. 
Keep it simple and fun.

innocence & awe

Thing 7: First temper tantrum in my 30's

Well, I'm not proud of it. But sometimes it happens. I have always had a bit of a temper (it's hereditary, I'm convinced). We've been planning a trip... well discussing taking a trip to Europe this summer. And as I mentioned in Thing 4, I love to travel. I not only love it, I need it in my life. It's something Luis and I have a common passion for and we make a point to travel as often as possible, near or far, it doesn't matter. It could be a simple trip to a semi-local city I've never been to, or to a completely foreign country... we LOVE  to travel.

Well, due to a few added expenses that 2011 has bestowed upon us, the idea of our trip is slowly fading from a concrete plan, to a distant dream. That said, the idea of taking this trip this coming summer is a dream I am not willing to give up on. (Sure, taking extra trips here and there, I'm sure, are not helping the odds, but I do think it's still possible.)

It's always been true of our relationship, he is the realist and I am the perpetual dreamer. This does lead to minor kerfuffles now and then, but I help him see new possibilities and he keeps me from flying away. I should not have panicked and lost my temper the way I did. (sorry, babe.) That's what my angry moments usually amount to, panic. I need to continue to breathe and understand that eventually we will find ourselves on that side of the world again, but I need to get there with a patient heart and a focused mind.

Lesson learned: Don't panic. Just breathe. 
(Which reminds me... I need to get back into my yoga practice this week.)

argentina 2009... on our way to mendoza

Monday, December 5, 2011

well, i'm here... now what?

naked face at 30
Woke up.
Got dressed.

yeeeah... I'll get back to you later on how 30 feels.

So far, so good.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

For Now...

.Just some moments from the day... 

These are pretty much 
the only pictures I took.
I wanted to just relax 
and enjoy the day. 
I do have a series of
short video clips that 
I might look at later. 

Not everything went as 
elaborately planned,

but that was expected

Rather than focus on 
what was "supposed" 
to happen... 
here are the 
little things 
that did...

Fits of laughter
conversations about motherhood and teenagedom
sparkling water, crisp air (until it became icy at night), 
people getting bopped in the head by balloons, more fits of laughter
ferris wheel ride, hot dog, 
balloons popping
C is for Cheers,
glasses filled with laughing tears
travel talk, watching the sunlight change
through the panels of the ceiling,
HELLO'S to strangers,
grilled cheese, too many fries, 
trail of balloons, fold up bike, 
"excited" face
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
giant Poh, luis' wiggly feet
kelsey disappearing in the darkness, 
"that's my bicycle seat,"
 tears of friendship
these are the little bits I want to remember.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

holiday happenings with the hubby...

It was so much more than I thought.

The plan for today: Luis and I were going to do a tasting at Giracci Vineyards, a winery he found in Orange County that opened not too long ago. (He originally found it by chance, after getting a flat tire on his bicycle in the area.) After that, we were going to check out Christmas trees at the Christmas Tree farm up the road, decorate, and then meet my family for dinner in the evening.

Well, this morning I was in a sleepy... lazy... wanting to cuddle (with Poh, my puppy) mood. Luis rushed me a bit and said we had a lot to do, with all the decorating, so we should get going.... I eventually got ready, nothing fancy (ripped jeans, old jacket), and we eventually headed out the door.

Well, we pull up to the winery, I take my time getting out of the car (had to at least put some mascara on) and we walk up to the front entrance. As we approach... I hear shouts, which startle me at first, and then lead to a slight feeling of confusion, shock, and disorientation. I literally feel as if I'm trying to manually focus my eyes, as I would on my camera.... Eventually (a matter of seconds, really) it all becomes clear and I realize I am surrounded by family and friends and a whole surprise birthday spread! All a bit overwhelming... in a lovely way.

I had absolutely no idea, and I love Luis for pulling it off and keeping me completely OBLIVIOUS (though that part is not really that hard). We drank wine, walked around the gorgeous property, visited the horses in the stable (Rusty is the one with the teeth), and just enjoyed the Saturday afternoon chill. It was perfection. 
A few friends keeping warm in the sun.

Made by Diane! She knows I love chocolate. Thank you!

Luis does so much, loves so much, means so much and I am SO blessed to have him.

Most of the pictures from the vineyard were taken by my mom and others, so I only have these few from my camera to share.

However, I did take quite a bit at the Christmas Tree farm. 
The following document our search for our tree. Magical!


broke out into fits of laugher

spontaneous game of hide-and-seek

Though TONS of fun, no luck with our tree.
 After a long search at the farm, we decided to do our final purchase at Home Depot. This is where we've gone the last couple of years. The prices are  very affordable and they have some nice trees.

 At the farm, most of the ones we liked were either out of our price range, or sold already... but NEXT year, we'll try to come right after Thanksgiving and claim one! I loved walking around the trees, in any case, and would recommend taking a visit!

Got home to find a box of Krispy Kremes on the doorstep! ...Says, "From: John Wayne."
He must have gotten hungry... there were 2 missing. But still... how thoughtful of John.

BTW... I'm still 29. Not 30 till Monday. ;)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

celebrate the journey

It's going to be a different kind of celebration this year...

For weeks I've been thinking about what I should do for my 30th birthday. Nothing had come to mind that seemed  "thirty worthy." I've been a bit blah about the whole thing... about the number... about the fact that it's kind of the end of an era... and pretty much of the world as I know it to be right now.

Me and Liz in a bathtub on my 29th.
 Last year I threw a pretty awesome slumber party, celebrating friendship and childhood. Gathered a few of my longest-time friends, did make up, ate junk food, all to the soundtrack of the 90's. It was so epic, in-fact, that I do believe it cannot be topped.

However, upon further contemplation (and a few months worth of yoga practice... changed my life, but more on that later) I began to realize that what I should be setting out to do is not only celebrate what was,
but all that is to come.

One of my closest friends, Diane, turned 30 in early November. I wrote to her on one of those eco-friendly-plant-me-and-let-me-grow cards and in it I said something along the lines of ...this isn't the end of anything, rather the beginning of something great. That we spent our 20's living, learning, making mistakes, and slowly discovering things about ourselves, figuring out where we belong. Now, plant this card and let it grow along with the possibilities that your thirties will bring....

Now, I will be the first to admit, that while I may be verging 30 as we speak, I don't necessarily feel too much more wise or self-discovered than I felt at 22. There are definitely experiences I had that were pivotal in who I am at this moment. Mistakes I made, that I learned and am learning from. But I do strongly feel that there is still so much more discovery (and mistakes to be made) ahead of me. I don't really believe that the second I turn that magical number that I will have my life figured out completely and be ready to make new and drastic decisions. (A perm maybe.)
Going into this new decade thinking I should have everything decided and have just stuff in general set in stone is SCARY. The only things I know for sure is who I love and who loves me. Done.
So rather than celebrate this new-found wisdom all 30-somethings possess,
I want to remain grateful for what my 20's taught me and prepare to embrace all of the WONDROUS things that my 30's are bound to bring. But...

...You can't embrace if you don't let go.

Which brings me to my decision about the proper way to celebrate 30. First, about a month ago, when talking to some friends about what I should do, they said,  "how about one of our Sunday Funday bike rides along the beach?" We've done this a few times, usually ending at one of the really good cafes a few miles down. A few days later I came across a video, almost as a sign that truly inspired the events for the day.

So here's what I came up with: Sunday Funday= bikes, beach, bites, beverages, balloons, and the official buh-bye to my 20's Birthday Bash! 
Balloons to infinity at Coachella 2010
B is for Beginnings. The plan is to ride 15 miles one way along the Pacific Coast Highway on Sunday the 4th, while stopping at a few locations along the way that I frequented as a 20-something, get a drink or a bite AND leave a few signs of good will  and inspiration along the trail, posting them to telephone poles and stop lights.

Each person will be given a balloon, to which they can attach any sort of prayer or affirmation that is personal to them, and tie it to their bike. Once we get to our destination we'll go out to the pier and release the balloons  watch the sunset... it will, quite literally, be setting on my 29th birthday. ;) Instead of a Wish Release, we'll do Handouts of Happiness... giving the balloons away or tying them to secure locations. (While may have been visually cool, it'd be environmentally not worth it.) We'll then ride back to our starting point, completing a total of... 30 miles!

There are a couple points to all this. 
One is to simply learn to let things go. For years I have said, almost as a mantra,  
"Let go, Let God." 
I still repeat this and believe it to be quite necessary in life. It's that simple. 
In my yoga practice I've learned to breathe in life and love, 
and  "let go of that which does not serve you,"
a lesson repeated during sessions with instructors like Jenny at Ra.  This is probably one of the biggest lessons learned in my twenties, and really one that I grapple with daily. 
Two, it could possibly just be some way to fulfill some subconscious and existential need to leave my mark on the world... through uplifting and encouraging messages and gestures.... 
But, ultimately, it is to affirm the importance of celebrating and cherishing
  each moment of this journey, however long or short it is, 
and to be grateful for where you are and who you're with, 
at whatever point you are on your path.

Here is the link to the video by Holstee that inspired and confirmed 
that this will be a good way to spend the day.
Feel free to get on your bike between noon and sunset on Sunday (where ever you are) and
enjoy the ride.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

about my twenties

They were... crazy-fun, mistake-filled, life-changing, ...a blur.

I recently finished a book called Quarter-life Crisis. It's basically about all of the changes, conflicts, and confusion that one goes through during this time. While I can't say I learned much from the book, I did gain a bit of validation... like, I'm not as crazy as I thought I was... or at least, I'm not alone.

When I turned 26 I told someone I wished I would have taken notes on my twenties... journaled and documented every little moment. So much had happened and I'd already started to forget much of it
(not because of age, i've been forgetful since i was three.)
It just all seems to happen so quickly that in the end we really only seem to remember the BIG events of our lives. For obvious reasons... they're BIG.

And while I am in no way demeaning the magnitude and importance of those whoppers, (getting engaged, witnessing the birth of my niece, graduating from college, when we bought our house, getting my first "real" job, our wedding, rescuing Poh...) I feel that it's been all of the little moments (that I can't remember) which have had the most impact on who I am right now. It's all of the little bits and pieces that have led up to the larger ones. 
All of those smaller... 

moments of pure joy...
moments of peace...
moments of disappointment...
moments of wonder...
moments of utter silliness....

Those were the moments that shaped and formed who I've grown to be... 
those are the moments I hope to share here. 
With one week left before I turn 30 (talk about grown) I finally set out to start this blog (a goal I set on my 29th birthday.) My intention is to be more present and more honest (with myself most of all); to honor and appreciate where I am in this journey. Whether it be through image or word... 
whether it makes any sense or not, it will be 
every little bit of me.

Photos: 1. Our wedding '07... 2. In&Out '04... 3. Sunset Fiscallini Ranch '10... 
4. Bummed during recess moment '03... 5. Sunrise with my niece '06... 6. In a laundry basket '07